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Simple﹢ hotel將人文藝術透過跨界交流。

Start Your Carefree Journey with Forward!
In synch with Forward Enterprise Group's mission of providing "sincere, practical, reliable, and high-quality service" to our customers, Forward HotelTaipei is the group's newest hotel catered toward business travelers. To separate itself from the rest, the "swallow" is the main concept of Forward Hotel Taipei. The swallow's wings are the key motif of the hotel logo to give guests a more animated and lasting impression, a metaphor of how business travelers can begin their journey with hope. The letter "F" is incorporated in the logo so that our guests can easily associate the group name with the logo and to further differentiate ourselves from other business hotels in the region. The English hotel logo uses modern lines and proportion in its design and incorporates the letters “A” and “O” to symbolize “Grade-A Service” and “Well-Rounded Service.” Hopefully the hotel can help bring success to its guests!
Forward Hotel Taipei - Nangang
Rooms & Suites
Hotel News
2025台北燈節 02.02(日) - 02.16(日)
2025台北燈節官方網站 https://2025lanternfestival.travel.taipei/
因環保新政策,台北馥華商旅集團2024年9月1日起,提前響應不主動提供一次性備品,客房內僅提供沐浴乳、洗髮乳, […]